Sun and planets

Set formed by observation of planets, sunspots, transit of the planet Mercury through the solar disk and conjunctions between Mars and Jupiter.

A few systematic observation programs were carried out in the 32cm and 46cm refracting telescopes. One of them was the observation of the transit of the planet Mercury through the solar disk, which goal was to calibrate, from the parallax, the universal gravitational constant.

Determine the sunrise, meridian passage, sunset and time length of sunlight for any time in history and point of the planet. Check out the moment of the solstices and equinoxes.

Simulate the earth movements and get to know the transformations of celestial coordinates, from Equatorial to Super galactic ones. 3D visualization in the website:

Note: The images of scanned plates have their names formed, initially, by three letters associated to a number to facilitate their location in the digital database and physical archive of the Observatório Nacional library.

The gallery contains 89 images.